There are more excuses not to call customers than there are customers. These calls never lead to business. I don’t even have time to make these calls. I’m not in the mood today; I’ll do it tomorrow. And just like that, you’ve convinced yourself not to call.

You might say that there’s no time, but let me promise you that someone can follow you around and squeeze out forty-five minutes to an hour in your day. If you make time instead of excuses you’re going to be a lot more successful. If you simply make a commitment to call for forty-five minutes to an hour a day and keep that commitment, you can easily meet your goals. Don’t try to make one call in the morning, one before lunch, and another in between customers. Why? Because the hardest call to make is the first call, and if you’re making one call at a time sandwiched between other activities, you’re making the first call over and over again. If there’s something you don’t like to do, make the task easier, not harder on yourself. Dispersing calls throughout your day is unquestionably harder.
It’s really very simple. If calling is a priority and you commit to your priority, you will meet and exceed your goals. What can possibly be more important than deepening your relationship with your customers and creating more opportunity for them?