Preparation is an essential element in making a successful call. If you are calling an existing client make sure you review the entire relationship before picking up the phone. Don’t get caught up pushing product because of some campaign or promotion.  Take a more relationship oriented approach to each call.  Look for gaps in the customer’s relationship and then lead with a product or service that the customer is not taking advantage of.  Keep in mind, what you may see as a need is not necessarily what the customer sees, so be sure to probe for a need before you offer any product or service.

If you are calling on a non-client your preparation should include all pertinent information about the business e.g. sales size, # of employees, length in business, industry segment and decision makers name and contact #.  All of the afore mentioned information is available at various web resources (referenceusa is a great resource). Also, review the prospect’s website before you call to glean pertinent company data. Your objective with the non-client is to sell the appointment and the appointment only.

Your preparation will let your customer/prospect know that you are a professional banker looking to enhance relationships and develop new business not a tele-marketer pushing products.

John J. Gehegan